1·Article10 Issue of bank guarantee.
2·Contractor Party will be support Performance Bank Guarantee 10% of Budget value project as the form.
3·The shipment shall commence not later than 45 days upon receipt of the Buyer's Operative Bank Guarantee.
4·The given Bank guarantee not transferred, irrevocable and is a guarantee of direct payment under the contract.
5·The performance bond shall be furnished by the seller by a bank guarantee in the form attached toe bid document.
所有投标文件必须连同占投标部份2%的投标 保证金或 银行保函一起提交。
6·A letter of credit is often confused with a bank guarantee, which is similar in many ways but not the same thing.
7·This article makes some brief analysis and discussion on the law issues which are apt to occur in bank guarantee.
8·There are three methods of construction guarantee:guarantee, hypothecate, earnest money, the bank guarantee will become the leading mode.
9·A bank guarantee enables the customer (debtor) to acquire goods, buy equipment, or draw down loans, and thereby expand business activity.
10·The bank guarantee transaction mainly involves the Principal, the Guarantor and the Beneficiary, forming three independent legal relations.